Currently, when people drive the vehicle, they wish to enjoy the same level of comfort they are usually accustomed at home. By pushing a button or just sliding the lever, you can make the car’s temperature quite cool and you should repeat the whole process without wondering how this change actually occurs.
Till the advent of this type of air conditioning unit as early as in 1940s, several things have gone a massive change. Various improvements in the recent times like computerized temperature control as well as improvements to the durability, have brought about advancement of the AC units as a whole.
There are several manufacturers in India that provide high quality components of automobile air conditioning system. Amongst them, the name of Subros Limited should first come to the mind. This company has developed from its capacity of 15,000 air conditioning units in the year 1985 into the biggest unit for automobile AC systems of our country. Interestingly, it manufacturers condensers, compressors, heat exchangers and other essential components that suit all types of vehicles such as railways, passenger vehicles, refrigeration transport and so on. It has built its manufacturing units in different cities like Chennai, Sanand, Manesar and Pune and also comes up with one Tool Room and a Research and Development Center.
This company also offers a wide array of reciprocating compressors that are compatible with environment friendly refrigerant. All these devices are available in different sizes and capacities in order to cater to the needs of diverse vehicles.
Subros also offers a full range of AC units for four to twelve meters buses. Excellent cooling ability and high volume of air flow can be accomplished through the introduction of effective condenser as well as evaporator and lowering the resistance of air flow. Fuel saving ability can be achieved by enhanced competence of refrigeration cycle with the launching of high quality multi-flow air condensers. It also makes use of eco-friendly R13a refrigerant.
Subros Ltd. LGF, World Trade Centre,
Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi - 110001
Phone No: +91-011-23414946-49 +91-011-23414945
Email Id:
[email protected]