Louisville, KY – Books, Authors, and Artists (BAA) announced they would continue providing readers with extra, unique and original content at the end of their current and future titles – an enhanced ‘About the Author’ section containing character interviews by the author.
The independent publisher has recently been offering readers some special extras at the end of their books. From improved ‘About the Author’ sections to interviews of selected characters of a novel by the author. Readers have additional insight into the characters as well as information to get to know the author better.
Kef Hollenbach, owner of BAA, says, “We love character interviews by an author. They are a great way to allow authors to expand on their world and bring out points that didn’t make the final edit in the book. We first used them during a virtual book tour for A Journey To The Four Kingdoms . The character interviews were so popular that we began including them with all new publications at the beginning of 2014.
This initiative brings even more unique content to the readers, so they can explore the world of their favorite book in just a bit more detail. Also, we thought this provides additional insight into the author’s thinking and rounds-out a character’s development. ”
The response has been quite good, with readers contacting the authors and publisher to discuss what the ‘author – character interview’ helped them understand about the book. BAA now considers the ‘author – character interview’ as much a part of their brand as their logo.
BAA will continue to have authors write unique and original ‘author – character interviews’ in all upcoming publications. They are also working with authors of previously published works to add the enhanced ‘About the Author’ section with character interviews.
Astrid Gay, book publicist for BAA, says, “This is exactly what we love to encourage. Character interviews allow an author additional character development. Most authors enjoy answering their readers’ questions. It’s invaluable for an author, and the publisher, to know what their readers liked and understood.”
About Books, Authors, and Artists
Books, Authors, And Artists is the publishing division of internet marketing KY, LLC. It specializes in book publication of selected authors, new and previously published, whose works carry a message in an entertaining way and with captivating style. Visual artists who participate by creating graphics, covers and artwork are featured.
For more information, please contact Astrid Gay, book publicist, via email at
[email protected] . You can also visit the website at http://www.BooksAuthorsAndArtists.com
Astrid Gay
Books, Authors, and Artists
Louisville, KY 40204, USA
[email protected]