As per the reports, the survey finds that there are about 80 million cats and 70 million dogs across the globe. Dogs are found to be the most popular pets across the globe with about 33% of total households owning a dog. The United States owns the highest number of Dogs and Cats globally. The US spends about $60 billion on pet food alone.
Despite its popularity, there are scientifically proven facts that having a pet can benefit the owners. Studies found that pet owners have better emotional stability as a pet can act as accompaniment to enlighten the mood and reduce stress. There are millions of office workers living alone in an apartment, and most owners reported that having a pet keeps them happier and occupied. People who don’t keep pets have higher chances of developing anxiety disorder or depression.
Keeping pets was traditionally practised to defend owners from theft or robbery, but in the current age, most people treat pets as a part of the family. As attachments build over the years and pets are adapting to living with humans, pets are becoming more sensitive towards human nature. Studies find that dogs have the capability to sense the emotion of their owner and behave depending on the mood. Dogs are highly commended pets for people with mental issues as they can help recover faster.
Many people are reliant on pets for child accompaniment. About 90% of dog owners take their dogs for walks, and it was reported that taking a dog for a walk has highly inspired them to exercise more and it has improved their health. For more information please visit
dogpeer is the best place on the internet for pet lovers. They provide dog training guides and advice. You can look for the best breeds of puppies on their review blog.
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