There is one thing about Portland couples therapy or Portland marriage counseling – you need to be courageous enough to decide to go for it. Although couples therapy or marriage counseling is not considered that big a taboo nowadays people still wrinkle their noses when they hear about couples going through such therapies. Hence, for any couple to decide to go for these therapies it does take some doing. But once someone takes that first step they actually take the first step toward taking many positive future steps.
What is the help that couples get from Portland couples therapy or Portland marriage counseling help? They get help in getting their relationship mended. There could be so many reasons why differences arise in a relationship. What a marriage counselor does is brings out those issues out in the open. This helps both the partners realize the areas in which they need to improve and the areas where they need to compromise. This is when the differences start going away and the relationship flourishes once more.
When a couple decides to start a relationship they obviously feel that they are made for each other. But the stark reality hits them as they start staying together, under the same roof. Before a couple starts staying together they are only able to look at the positive aspects of the other partner. It is when they start staying together that the negative aspects start getting highlighted. One then starts to look at the negative areas of their partner. Now think about it – which human being doesn’t have negative aspects about them? A relationship starts to go sour when there is excessive focus on the negative areas than on the positive areas. This is when couples decide that they are not made for each other. This is when Portland couples therapy or Portland marriage counseling helps because the counselor helps the couple to refocus on the positive aspects while they work on their respective areas of improvement.
Portland couples therapy or Portland marriage counseling is not easy. It takes time, it takes money and most importantly, it takes a lot of commitment and action. Depending on the condition of the relationship there could be many sessions that a couple may need to go through. The more the sessions the more the time spent and the more the money spent. During the sessions, especially the joint ones, one partner gets to hear about their negatives from the other partner. This is not easy at all because all humans have their egos. But this is where the therapist comes into the picture and converts the negatives into areas of improvement, something that is easier to digest. But at the end of the day the couple has to action all of this and this is where commitment plays such a big role.
This is why it is important to take that first step toward Portland couples therapy or Portland marriage counseling. The courage is built and the relationship gets back on track.
Feeling shy about going for Portland couples therapy or Portland marriage counseling ? Take the first step and this will the first among many positive ones that you will take.