New pumps will cost you a fortune! Money you can certainly put to better use rather than shelling it out to replace old pumps. A smarter thing to do is get your old hydraulic pump re-manufactured. Kin-Tec Industries, Inc. is one such company that holds the solution to save you lot of money.
Kin-Tec Industries, Inc. deals mainly with re-manufacturing of the famous John Deere brand of hydraulic pumps. They can help you extend the shelf life of your radial hydraulic pump. Kin-Tec Industries, Inc. focuses only on John Deere pump models unlike other companies who work on models made by multiple manufacturers. This makes Kin-Tec Industries, Inc. expert specialists for all John Deere hydraulic models.
There is high demand for John Deere hydraulic pumps as they have over 12 million applications coming in various models. At Kin-Tec Industries, Inc., when a model comes in, the unit is broken down and inspected to be sure if the individual parts are structurally sound and aided by a magna flux. The parts are then cleaned and tested to determine the kind of problem and the solution required to restore the pump back to excellent working condition.
Kin-Tec Industries, Inc. has skilled professionals who possess years of expertise to properly tend to John Deere hydraulic pumps. The company’s skilled technicians have mastered the art of repairing hydraulic pumps and they provide the best possible customer service.
Their products include only John Deere radial hydraulic pump systems which are compatible with various farm tractors that may have various motor grader, skidder, loader, or backhoe parts. Detailed specifications can be found in the company’s official website.
So whether you have a John Deere R56160 model that requires replacement of bearing races, pistons or shafts with new parts or you require a warranty on a more expensive model AR94660, Kin-Tech is the right place for you to come!
The company’s warranty offer includes an average of 90 days on their work. Recently, they’ve begun minimizing the more expensive pumps. The resulting new design has proved to be useful without forfeiting flow performance.
Contact Details:
2201 Old Sprigg St. Rd. Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Phone: (573) 332-7700
Fax: (573) 332-7701
Mobile: (573) 258-1358
[email protected]