Alma, 12 July 2016 - The CIS region depends heavily on Western specialists in what business is concerned. It is a highly populated selection of countries that comprised the former Soviet Union. It was once wealthy and imposing but it is now reduced to poor people that are barely surviving for the last decades. This sorry state for the ex-USSR region has to change and the country of Kazakhstan is now seeking aid from the west in what high end technologies are concerned.
ACS has worked hard in this direction and has obtained amazing results that should be profited from by those that want to update their techniques and their system to go in accordance to those that are of an international standard. It is hard work but in the end it is for the benefit of them all. Eurofinsa is a multinational company that originates from Spain. It has completed many high profile projects that attract international attention and this leads to more work in the CIS region and many others. Such companies are highly rated in the world and they are the first to move technology forward.
The Noticias de obras water treatment plant that is going to be built in Kazakhstan can clean up to 50 thousand cubic meters of water per day that can be later used for industrial purposes. This means a better infrastructure that can accommodate thousands of industrial companies in the region of Aryrau. The scope of the project is big and it is planned to be finished by 2018. There haven’t been such big scale constructions in this region since the collapse of the Soviet Union back in 1991. The is a promising project that should help move things forward.
Construcciones of this corporation are a lengthy process and involve thousands of engineers that usually take a few years to complete. It requires a lot of careful planning and economical calculations that should make sense in the long run. When all of these terms are met then the project can move forward. These Buildings are big scale and just only a few from the region can be compared to them. It is an amazing opportunity for Kazakhstan to grow and to develop into something bigger than it is today.