News by Category: Society

‘Sustained Weekly Care Packages Distribution Drive-Umeed ki Kiran’ For Migrant Workers In Gurugram
Organised By BG Foundation In Support With Red Cross Aimed At Creating COVID-19 Awareness and Maintain Social Distancing

April 11, 2020

HM Copy Writing Services For Copywriter Self-Development
If you are looking for Copywriter Self-Development, you can look ahead with Copywriter Self-Development. They are ready to meet your needs with the best services.

April 10, 2020

I Ministri Volontari di Scientology aiutano chi è in difficoltà per l’isolamento
L’isolamento per l’epidemia di coronavirus causa non poche difficoltà a chi è anziano, malato o disabile. Ecco che numerosi movimenti di volontariato, tra cui i Ministri Volontari di Scientology, si sono mobilitati..

April 9, 2020

Il mercato illegale della droga non si ferma
Non sono solo i servizi essenziali a rimanere in attività in tempo di blocco totale per la pandemia: anche gli spacciatori e i trafficanti continuano a darsi da fare.

April 9, 2020

Come ti frega lo spacciatore
Chi vende la droga non può certo dire la verità su di essa. Ecco i trucchi più comuni per accalappiare gli incauti consumatori.

April 9, 2020

Le famiglie in isolamento scoprono la tossicodipendenza dei figli
Le crisi di astinenza dopo un certo tempo diventano insostenibili, i sintomi si manifestano e famiglie finora ignare scoprono che in casa qualcuno ha un disperato bisogno di droga.

April 9, 2020

Conditions of Democratic Stability
Analyzing the preconditions for democratic stability, one has to clearly understand what a democratic regime is, what ideas it supports, and what principles it follows.

April 8, 2020

Introducing, making the best use of Africa’s Hottest talent
Launching a new digital workplace for Africa, with prime membership benefits, bringing the workplace to your home and giving access to talent and skills to the business world.

April 8, 2020

Pieter Stalenhoef Believes That Writer’s Block is Nothing More Than an Excuse
This Press Release is written to inform the readers that Pieter Stalenhoef believes writer’s block is nothing more than an excuse.

April 6, 2020

It is Time to Leave Twitter for Societal is a Twitter like social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online

April 6, 2020

Independent Kolkata Escorts Service Agency
The models are enchanting, their look, physical appearance and introduction, their dresses and physical bend dependably fulfill the cerebrums of men By Kolkata Escorts and from that time they need to have intercourse with them.

April 5, 2020

Consumo di droga e violenza sessuale
C’è un nesso tra la droga e la violenza sessuale? Una sentenza della Cassazione e un episodio di cronaca ci fanno riflettere.

April 2, 2020

Uruguay: un caso scuola per la legalizzazione della marijuana
Dopo l’Olanda e il Colorado, anche in Uruguay è stata legalizzata; è molto interessante indagare l’impatto sulla società e sul mondo criminale.

April 2, 2020

L’eroina dei poveri: il Kobret
Non tutti possono permettersi la costosa eroina; ecco che, quando si è verde e in crisi di astinenza, ci si accontenta anche degli scarti di produzione

April 2, 2020

Il bosco degli spacciatori
Le strade cittadine sono diventate troppo pericolose per gli spacciatori, che ora cominciano a fare base nei boschi vicini alle aree urbane.

April 2, 2020

Mary Jo Rothecker helps parents to communicate their preferences and needs
This Press Release is written to inform the readers that Mary Jo Rothecker helps parents communicate their preferences and needs.

April 1, 2020

Youth IGF Global Movement as Official Committee of Safer Internet Day 2020 in 11 Countries
A global event celebrated in 150 countries that raises awareness about online safety and encourages everyone to help create a better internet.

March 31, 2020

Smart Africa Launches Africa Wide Coordinated Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Smart Africa, a bold and innovative commitment from African Heads of State and Government to accelerate sustainable socioeconomic development , has launched a continent-wide technology based coordinated impact response to the coronavirus pandemic.

March 28, 2020

Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market
The report evaluates the factors that will play the most influential role in the growth of the market. Fraudulent activity can be understood as any kind of deception that is criminal in nature and is performed for financial or personal gain.

March 27, 2020

Keishorne Scott is Healing Broken Hearts in 2020
Turning his life experiences into his life’s work. Read more about this below.

March 27, 2020

Con la scusa del cane usciva per spacciare in tempi di coronavirus
A Livorno un 28enne tunisino spacciava cocaina portando a spasso il cane per non dare sospetti.

March 26, 2020

La responsabilità dei genitori di adolescenti in materia di rispetto della legge
La polizia diffida i genitori di alcuni minori sorpresi per strada (in violazione delle norme di contenimento dell’epidemia) in possesso di droga.

March 26, 2020

Crystal Meth: overdose, suicidi e nazismo
Il “Crystal Meth” è una droga sintetica, una metamfetamina dagli effetti devastanti resa famosa dalla serie TV “Breaking Bad”.

March 26, 2020

La marijuana non genera crisi di astinenza? Niente di più falso!
Ai tempi del coronavirus, i consumatori abituali di cannabis in astinenza escono in violazione dei decreti per procurarsi la roba da fumare.

March 26, 2020


March 23, 2020

Prevention is Paramount and Why at this Time it is Imperative to Avoid Germs
Many diseases are caused by harmful bacteria or viruses, they are called germs.

March 23, 2020

How to care of your pet's
The animal once turned into the buddy ever. In this way, you need to understand the creature's ailment. The individual needs to take full mind of the pet. The pet is one of our families.

March 23, 2020

Peter Nygard’s sense of duty means going above and beyond the call of duty
Canadian Embassy Remained Open In Finland Thanks In Part To Peter Nygard

March 20, 2020

This Astrology Portal is touching Stars by Providing Most Precise and Accurate Futurity Forecasting
This astrology portal is standing tall in astrology market day by day. With Awesome astrology content, this portal reached 150K followers on Social media platform. Want to know how? Read this

March 20, 2020

The Hollywood Movie Club
The Hollywood Movie Club (HMC) is a new, Gen Y consumer driven, global market, digital movie studio club that will unite the people who go to movies frequently with the people who make movies to form the new game changing studio of the 21st Century

March 19, 2020

Peter Nygard's unequalled civilian support of the military
Peter Nygard appointed Honorary Captain to the legendary Fort Garry Horse Regiment and elected Senator to the Fort Garry Horse Regiment Senate

March 19, 2020

Bloccato a casa in quarantena? Nessun problema, consegna di droga a domicilio
Le restrizioni di movimento a causa dell’epidemia di coronavirus non hanno bloccato il mondo del traffico e dello spaccio di stupefacenti, che si riorganizzato di conseguenza.

March 19, 2020

Da consumatore a spacciatore
Gli studenti tossicodipendenti che non hanno un reddito, sono spesso convinti dagli spacciatori a lavorare per loro nelle scuole così da procurarsi roba gratis e guadagnare qualcosa.

March 19, 2020

Carceri in rivolta: c’entra la droga?
Il sospetto che a causare le recenti rivolte carcerarie sia stata la carenza di droga, è del tutto legittimo.

March 19, 2020

Colpa del coronavirus, non si trova più la roba: la soluzione è l’antiproibizionismo?
A causa delle restrizioni per l’epidemia di coronavirus, è difficile procurarsi la droga, e i tossicodipendenti non sanno come far fronte alle crisi di astinenza.

March 19, 2020

Amitabh Bachchan invites queries and questions from people regarding ‘SEE NOW’ vision campaign
‘SEE NOW’ vision campaign is close to concluding its second phase. The face of campaign, Shri Amitabh Bachchan invites queries and questions from the public regarding eye health

March 19, 2020

COVID-19 fear making people sick, says doctor
A Gold Coast doctor says people are worrying themselves sick from fear due to COVID-19 and recommends simple strategies to help prevent developing the virus.

March 19, 2020

Jose Pineiro Enjoys Writing on Topics That Bring Social Awareness among People
This Press Release is written to inform the readers that Jose Pineiro enjoys writing on topics which bring social awareness among people.

March 18, 2020

Stacey Ribotsky Is Extremely Passionate About Helping the Women in Need
This Press Release is written to inform the readers that Stacey Ribotsky is extremely passionate about helping the women in need.

March 18, 2020

Peter Nygard Always Engages In Random Acts of Kindness
While the mark of a man cannot always be detected from acts that are plotted out and carefully planned, it can definitely be determined from his random acts

March 16, 2020

What Is the "Couple Seeking Unicorn" Exactly Meaning?
What is a unicorn in relationships? Learn more by reading this article and figure out how to find one.

March 16, 2020 Launched to Welcome Couples and Unicorn Women is an online dating network for unicorn people and couples who want to interact sexually for threesomes.

March 16, 2020

Mumbai Model Escorts
Mumbai escorts are provided that the best services to their clientele. You may contract call girls in Mumbai, escorts in Mumbai etc you may appoint escorts services in Mumbai for effecting your wants and get full happiness at the top value.

March 14, 2020

Guidare sotto l’effetto di sostanze stupefacenti
Gli inasprimenti delle pene per chi guida dopo aver bevuto o dopo essersi drogato sono doverosi ma non hanno eliminato il problema: serve puntare sulla prevenzione.

March 12, 2020

Il mondo violento, e mortale, dello spaccio di droga
Le vittime dello spaccio non sono solo i tossicodipendenti, ma anche gli stessi spacciatori.

March 12, 2020

Crisi di astinenza al tempo del coronavirus
Non sarà facile per i tossicodipendenti rispettare le nuove regole imposte dal governo per via dell’epidemia da coronavirus

March 12, 2020

Il parco delle Cascine a Firenze, piazza di spaccio
Il più grande parco di Firenze è ormai la principale piazza di spaccio della città, a due passi dal centro e dai bambini che giocano nei prati.

March 12, 2020

A Woman Started the Human Rights Movement for Everyone on this Planet
International Women's Day March 8, started in 1917 when women first gained the right to vote. It became an international celebration in 1967 when the United States started to celebrate the day.

March 11, 2020

Peter Nygard Sponsors Bahamian Athletes and Sports Organizations With Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars
Peter Nygard’s benevolence has been demonstrated not just with Bahamian athletic associations but many other causes in The Bahamas to the tune of millions

March 10, 2020

On March 25, Goodwill Central Coast will team up with The ALS Association Golden West Chapter
On Wednesday, March 25, every Goodwill Central Coast store location will donate and match (up to $1,000 total) all round-up dollar proceeds.

March 10, 2020