Control valves, in simple terms, are devices that control certain conditions like pressure, temperature, flow and liquid level. Otherwise, known as final control elements, these valves usually open and close according to the signals received by the controller. The mini valves generally play a huge role in - in-process control industries where they control the flow of the fluid-like gas, steam and water to compensate for the load disturbance. In this post, we have answered some of the frequently asked questions about final control elements.
What are the required features of a valve?
Some common features that a valve must have include:
1) It must have adequate capacity for the intended service.
2) It should be able to withstand the corrosive and temperature influence of the process.
3) It must be able to contain fluid without external leakage.
4) A valve should incorporate appropriate end connections so that it can mate with adjacent pipelines.
What is the basic purpose of using mini valves?
The major purpose of a control valve is to provide the means to implement and actuate a control strategy for the given process operation. These valves usually provide a continuous variable flow area for the purpose of regulating and adjusting the steady-state running conditions of a process. Though, in certain conditions, they also facilitate mixing or routing of the fluids.
How to choose a valve?
In order to select the right valve for an application, check for the below-mentioned principles:
1) The flow and pressure inside a valve
2) The level of variation in pressure and flow conditions that can be done inside a valve
3) Size and capacity of the valve
4) Limitation of the valves. This is important in order to avoid any unfavourable conditions like cavitation and noise.
5) The required flow capacity and the operating range.
6) The actuators and positioners that actually drive the valve.
What is cavitation in a valve and how to avoid it?
When the speed is high in a valve, the liquid pressure usually drops and this, in turn, causes the fluid to start bubbling or flashing. Though, as the pressure starts recovering, the bubbles begin collapsing as well. Now, cavitation in general is quite harmful to valves. This is because it wears out the trim and other body parts of the valve. Besides, it is generally quite noisy though it might have a low frequency and intensity.
Generally speaking, there is no sure shot way of avoiding cavitations, though using more than one control valve can potentially lessen the cavitation’s effect or stop it from happening all together.
Are you looking for a high-quality and affordable mini valve for your industrial unit? Then, get in touch with Airmite suppliers at the earliest.
James Brown is the author of this article. For further detail about Mini Valve. Please visit the website: