Remote working can take a toll on work accuracy and overall productivity of employees. Settling down in a home environment for doing official work isn’t as simple as we thought it would be. It is harder to stay focused and productive at home than within an office setup. Accuracy in work output also decreases due to multiple reasons- too many distractions at home, not able to connect with peers informally and absence of real-time supervision as in the office environment.
Merging a workspace for eight hours with your normal living space requires certain boundaries to be imposed. So what can we do to enhance accuracy and productivity in the workspace while working remotely?
Distractions at home are plenty with the children playing around or worse, fighting with each other, speaking loudly, playing loud music or television. A spouse or parents may want to get your attention to critical issues during remotely conducted official meetings or want to speak about things that aren’t important at all.
In this kind of home environment, it can be almost impossible to get any work done. Hence, strong will and intentions to perform the work at hand with enhanced accuracy need to be set. We present to you 4 ways that effectively help enhance accuracy and productivity in the workspace of your home.
Cancel Out Motivation Killers:
Motivation killers that prevent you from reaching maximum productivity and accuracy while remote working can be many. You need to identify such motivation killers and cancel them out of the remote workspace you have built for yourself.
Keep your phone and communication mediums on only for important conversations while working. Staying focused and present while working is important to enhance accuracy and productivity.
Inform your colleagues and supervisors that you are currently working on a critical assignment so they know not to disturb you unless it’s urgent. Keep your shared calendar updated. Announce your time preference to chat, or catchp with you during your break time for tea/coffee/lunch. This helps your colleagues know the best time to reach you.
Even if you have the luxury of a dedicate room to work from, it does not mean that it will block all the noise disturbances coming from home environment too! An active noise cancellation software can be of great help in situations such as this.
Have Strong Intentions:
We tend to procrastinate when the work is difficult or needs intensive mental labor to perform. You know what you are supposed to achieve, but keep getting distracted. The first step will be to eliminate any form of distraction that ruins your focus. The second is to have strong intentions.
If you have too much work on your hands, you are likely to get intimidated and not approach anything altogether. Rather you will spend time doing trivial things such as checking your credit score or your Twitter timeline.
You need to set strong intentions and clear goals before you begin working for the day. These goals should be realistic. Take a piece of paper or a whiteboard and write down the three main priority tasks for the day.
Begin with the first that is most urgent and important. When working on the task, avoid distractions from letting your focus wander off. When done with the first, start with the second that is not urgent but important.
After your key priorities are done, you can measure accuracy and productivity compared to previous days. You will notice a significant improvement in your work output.
Organize Your Desk Setup:
Make sure that you have adequate space on your desk. While working on your computer, you will be moving your hands around in the keyboard and mouse area. If your table has unnecessary objects kept on top, they can easily fall off the edge of your table.
Since you will be sitting in front of your desk setup for eight hours, you need to eliminate any disturbances. Try to mimic a formal in-office setup inside your home. For this, you need to provide a personal space such as an empty room where no one except you is permitted to enter during office hours.
Adjust your chair as per your height and bend your elbows at 90 degrees. Keep your feet on the ground while working and your monitor close enough. This way, your posture will remain straight, and you do not have to strain your eyes or bend forward to look at the screen.
Try your best to sit up straight while working and avoid reclining on the chair. You can introduce an ergonomic chair and desk to your workspace if the current one doesn’t match your requirements. Place your keyboard and mouse at such a distance that you do not have to reach for them and move your shoulders extensively while working.
The need for Active Noise Cancellation
Let us start with answering the question, ‘what is noise cancellation?’ Have you ever sat down for a work meeting or conference, and the other speakers couldn’t hear you very well due to background noise disturbances coming from your side? Maybe the unwanted noise is from a dog barking or construction work near your house.
Without active noise cancellation, blunders such as miscommunication can often occur during work meetings. You need mic noise cancellation software to prevent these unwelcome disturbances from reaching the other side and improve your voice quality.
We recommend installing the background noise cancellation software claerityai. This AI software works seamlessly with multiple video conferencing platforms on both Windows and Mac systems. It enables crystal clear audio in all your audio and video conferences.
The software has the ability for active background noise cancellation on other speakers too. That leads to improved voice quality and can enhance accuracy coming in from the other side when you are attending online meetings. You get to experience uninterrupted
conversations with claerityai. Moreover, this enterprise software is a low-maintenance solution for noise reduction that works securely across your entire user base. It comes with enhanced security as the audio data does not leave the local install, eliminating worries related to security and privacy of audio communications.
Download claerityai
A division of Aeris
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