The city witnessed a spellbinding fusion of fashion and design at the ENCODE and Turpan events held on Saturday. Organized by CODE VGU, the annual design festival "ENCODE" showcased a plethora of products crafted by students. Over 500 products were displayed, all meticulously prepared by students during their assignments. Several of these products were also available for sale, providing students with an opportunity to enter the market and gain valuable commercial experience.
ENCODE: The Convergence of Design and Innovation
The primary aim of the ENCODE event was to showcase the creativity and innovation of students. They presented various products encompassing fashion, technology, and art. These products featured unique designs, durable materials, and the latest technologies. Students highlighted that through this process, they not only honed their skills but also developed important capabilities such as teamwork and project management.
Turpan: The Grand Fashion Extravaganza
Following ENCODE was "Turpan," the annual fashion show of CODE VGU. Renowned fashion director Abhimanyu Singh Tomar curated the grand showcase. Professional models strutted down the runway donning garments designed by students. The theme and presentation of the fashion show left everyone spellbound. The show not only featured traditional Indian attire but also showcased a fusion of modern Western designs. As models stepped onto the ramp, their confidence reflected the hard work of both students and professionals.
Presence of Distinguished Figures from the City
The event took place at the city's World Trade Park and was attended by prominent entrepreneurs, personalities from the fashion industry, management of CODE VGU, and students. Everyone praised the students' work and encouraged them. Esteemed entrepreneurs showed interest in students' innovative products, discussing potential investment and collaboration opportunities.
Management and Students' Feedback
Onkar Bagaria, CEO of Vivekananda Global University, emphasized the importance of hands-on experience and direct industry involvement for students' holistic development. He stated, "Our goal is to make our students not only academically but also practically competent." Similarly, CODE's Director, Shweta Choudhary, expressed the institution's aim to provide practical knowledge beyond theoretical learning. She stated that the entire show was student-centric. "Witnessing students' hard work and their creative vision is a proud moment," she said.
Students' Experiences and Future Plans
The event provided students with a unique platform to showcase their work and receive valuable feedback. One student mentioned, "This experience taught us how to transform our ideas into products and present them professionally." Other students echoed similar sentiments, expressing hope for more such events in the future.
The ENCODE and Turpan events not only provided students with a platform to showcase their creativity and skills but also introduced city residents to new and unique designs. The events reaffirmed that the city is brimming with opportunities in the fields of art and fashion. Once again, it was demonstrated that when youth receive the right direction and encouragement, they can achieve extraordinary feats.