Recently, renowned career counselor David Reynoso was in Merrick, NY for a workshop on “Time Management”. During the workshop, Reynoso talked about how most young professionals in their twenties often struggle to manage their workload efficiently. Though everything seems great in the beginning, they soon find themselves swamped with multiple project deliveries having immediate deadlines. And while all this is going in their professional lives, they are unable to devote time to things that they wish they could, such as pursuing a hobby they always wanted to, volunteering in the community, maintaining old friendships, & so on.
David Reynoso of Merrick, NY said that it is possible for young professionals to balance their professional and personal life if they manage their time efficiently. He advised them to complete the most important tasks first & move on to the others that are low in priority. He also referred to “Focus” as one of the most vital ingredients of time-management. He said that when you are working on any project, your entire focus should be on it. Distractions, such as gossips, phone calls, text messages, etc.; can lead to delays no matter how good you are at managing time. So, when you start working on a project, make sure that you have closed all other browser windows and kept your phone on silent mode.
About David Reynoso
David Reynoso is a well-known career counselor in Los Angeles, and has been practicing career counseling for over twenty years. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Speech Communications and Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Due to his wealth of insights on various aspects of career development, he is widely sought after by both young and experienced professionals alike.