Hey, guys in World of Warcraft! The Legion Pre-Expansion Patch is now ready for testing on the Public Test Realms (PTR). Are you curious about the new things in Legion? Now, Safewow, safe wow buying gold site, gives you an analysis about changes of items, toys and account.
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Spirit and Bonus Armor are removed
In order to reduce the amount of gear swapping between specializations, Legion cloaks, rings, and items worn on the neck will remain relevant between specializations, but they are no longer tied to a specific primary stat. Also, Spirit, Bonus Armor and Multistrike have been removed from items. The multistrike has been replaced by another secondary stat. What’s more, Blizzard has brought back trinkets which were obtained from Raids, PvP, and world drops in Warlords to intended power levels.
A new toy is added to the Toy Box
Now, in Toy Box of Collections, lots of items with novel effects have been converted for inclusion. Orb of Deception now lets the character retain features like armor that’s worn when transforming. What’s more, Blizzard adds a new toy, Soft Foam Sword which is sold by Jepetto Joybuzz, to the Toy Box. The toy mortally wounds an enemy of trivial difficulty, but it doesn’t kill the enemy.
Both maximum number of characters and gold of an account increased
In WOW Legion, the maximum number of characters on a realm has increased to 12. What’s more, the maximum amount of gold that one account can hold at once has been increased to 9,999,999 gold. Guild bank maximum has also been increased to 9,999,999 gold. Now, you can buy any amount of wow gold from Safewow without worrying about the limitation of your account.
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