There’s a lot that goes into making a fire, and getting your hands on the right kind of firewood can make a big difference. Kiln dried wood is popular among consumers because of the higher quality of firewood that is produced in the end. Compared to air drying, a log drying kiln can better control the moisture in the wood. A wood drying kiln also makes the process a whole lot faster compared to air drying.
How it works
A log drying kiln is a machine that can be compared to a huge oven. You put the wood inside, and the machine controls the temperature, humidity levels, and even the air circulation to heat up the wood. In the end, the wood drying kiln strips the wood off most of its moisture and makes it ideal for burning.
The log drying kiln can be used for different types of wood like logs, and even smaller ones like chips.
Kinds of kilns
Newbies who are thinking of getting a wood drying kiln, might be surprised that there are different kinds of kilns to choose from.
You can have a log drying kiln that’s ideal for firewood and small to medium pieces of wood. Then there are also kilns made for hardwood, softwood, and even special ones for wood that will be used for fences.
Advantages of kiln drying your wood
Easy to use
Unlike in movies where any character can get a piece of wood from the outdoors and light it up easy peasy, the truth is that things don’t really work that way. Fresh wood or wood that’s just been cut from the source is chock full of moisture and extremely hard to light. But if you have a piece of wood that’s been through a wood drying kiln, you’ll have no problem lighting it up.
Less messy
Another issue with fresh wood that hasn’t been treated inside a wood drying kiln is that it tends to produce a lot of smoke when you’re using it. Aside from being messy and smelly, smoke can build up over time and end up damaging chimneys. Another issue with smoke is that it can cause discomfort and hard to persons with breathing problems.
Better wood
Because of the high temperatures that can be achieved inside a wood drying kiln, all the fungi and pests that might be living inside the wood are removed. This way, you can be sure that the wood you get is clean and free from creepy crawlies that can cause you problems like ticks or worse, termites.
Easier to handle
Wood that has been processed through a log drying kiln is also understandably lighter because of all the moisture that has evaporated. This means that if you’re storing or transporting your wood, it’s easier to handle because it’s a lot less heavy.
Kiln Services Limited specializes in log and firewood drying kilns for personal and commercial use. We can make kilns measuring 20 cubic meters up to 100 cubic meters, at prices that won’t break your budget. Visit our website or call us at 01621 785 395.