Death is a topic we don’t discuss all the time. Most of us would rather avoid thinking about death because it seems like such a morbid topic. But this is one of the most natural things in the world. If there is one thing that is inevitable, it is death.
While you are still alive, you should already help your family members decide what to do when you die. Many people prepare for their death by planning their funeral and leaving behind directives in their estate plan.
One of the things that you will have to decide on is the disposition of your body. Should you go for a traditional burial or try more modern methods such as taking your body to a crematorium in Kelowna?
There are benefits to choosing cremation over traditional burial. Here are some of those benefits:
1. Cremation is less expensive.
It is costlier to have the remains taken to a crematorium in Kelowna and the ashes placed in an urn rather than have the remains placed in a casket. Aside from buying the casket, family members will also have to purchase a plot of land to bury the casket with the remains inside.
With cremation, you can choose to bring the urn with the ashes with you or scatter it at a private place. You can also buy a slot at a columbarium, which is still less expensive than a big-sized lot.
2. Cremation helps your surviving family member preserve their image of you.
Many people don’t want their last image of their loved one to be in a casket. Taking the body to a crematorium in Kelowna immediately will help in preserving the image of the deceased in the minds of the loved ones, especially younger kids. It’s also more symbolic because the remains turn into ashes.
3. It doesn’t take up space.
A lot of people don’t wish to take up so much space when they die. With cremation services in Penticton, the body will be reduced to ashes and will fit in a regular-sized urn. The family members can choose to scatter the ashes at a symbolic location or bury it. Either way, it won’t take up so much space.
Cremation services in Penticton are also more eco-friendly than a traditional burial. Family members can also opt to get an urn where the ashes can be turned into a tree. That tree can be planted in a meaningful spot.
Everden Rust Funeral Services &Crematorium offers cremation services in Penticton. They will take care of the body of a family member who passed away.