This is a list of the top ten communication skills that recruiters and hiring managers look for in a candidate's resume and cover letter (see below). Highlight and demonstrate these abilities during job interviews, and you will leave a lasting impression on the interviewer. Maintaining these skills after you are hired will allow you to impress your boss, your colleagues, and your customers.
One of the most effective ways to communicate effectively is to be a good listener. There is nothing more frustrating than communicating with someone who is only interested in putting their two cents in and who does not take the time to listen to the other person. In the event that you are not an excellent listener, it will be difficult for you to comprehend what you are being asked to do. This is necessary in order to provide the best Communication Skills Training.
Give yourself some time to work on active listening skills. It consists in paying close attention to what the other person is saying, asking clarifying questions, and rephrasing what the other person says to ensure that both parties understand what is being said ("So what you say is").
Clarity and conciseness are essential
When it comes to communication, "just enough" is the key. Don't talk too much or too little at the same time. Make every effort to convey your message in as few words as possible. No matter if you're talking to someone in person, on the phone, or via email, express yourself clearly and concisely by saying what you want. Take a walk and your interlocutor will either disagree with you or will not understand exactly what you are trying to say. Preparing your speech ahead of time will help you avoid talking too much and/or confusing your audience members.
You encourage your colleagues to engage in open and honest communication with you by using a friendly tone, posing a personal question, or simply by smiling at them. Throughout your workplace communications, it is critical to be courteous and considerate of others.
This is critical in both face-to-face and written communication. Personalize your emails to colleagues and / or employees whenever possible. A simple "Hope you all had a good weekend" at the beginning of an email can personalise a message and make it more appreciated.
About the Company: Since 2005 they've been helping clients win over their key stakeholders by providing leadership communication coaching, group training programs and advice before major events, pitches and investor presentations. They've been trusted to help clients win multi-million dollar mandates and helped funds and corporates raise more than 20 billion dollars.