Super Visa: What are the Requirements

Posted September 20, 2022 by gobestvisaca

Like most foreign-born Canadians, you may have your folks who are still living in your home country. The federal government in Canada sanctions Canadian citizens who have qualified parents for a visit for a period extending 6 months.

This is known as the 超级签证 (Super Visa).

The process of getting sanctioned for a super visa is usually very long; therefore, you must be patient and apply beforehand. However, there is an eligibility criterion that the individual must pass in order to apply for a 超级签证 (Super Visa)..

Official Letter of Invitation

This must be issued for your folk and grandparents, including the citizenship document, relationship proof, financial support record during the visits and birth certificates.

Travel Insurance

You must also issue travel insurance for your folks and your grandparents, whoever is visiting, that will last for a year with a minimum coverage of $100,000. The policy must strictly be bought from a Canadian insurance company. You will also be required to file the proof of the insurance purchase.

Medical Exam

This is performed by a designated physician, and it usually includes a chest X-ray, lab test and an overall exam.

Wrapping Up

Applying for a 超级签证 (Super Visa) for your folks can often be a very stressful and long procedure and require a lot of paperwork; however, on the flip side, a long and satisfying visit from your folks awaits you.
The above listed are a couple of requirements that you will need to fill in order to get sanctioned for a 超级签证 (Super Visa) for your folks.

For more:

To know more about 安省省提名 (Ontario Provincial Nominee) please visit our website:
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Issued By GoBest Immigration Services
Phone 647-352-5328
Business Address Suite 611- 250 Consumers Rd, North York ON, M2J 4V6
Country Canada
Categories Tourism , Travel
Last Updated September 20, 2022