Whether your child is a fussy eater or has a feeding condition, pediatric feeding therapy may be beneficial. Feeding therapy can help them figure out whether their problems are caused by physical chewing and swallowing issues or by texture or consistency issues. There could be a number of concerns at play. A feeding therapist will work with them to expand their meal choices and introduce new flavors and sensations. They will gradually begin to try different foods and reduce disruptive behavior during mealtime.
When children are able to sit for longer periods of time and are willing to try new foods, they can have a more beneficial and enjoyable mealtime experience. Parents can relax knowing that their child is getting a diverse range of nutrients at each meal and that they are not obligated to cook the same dish every day. Hope AMC works with children who have feeding disorders or are picky eaters to address their specific challenges and help them eat a larger variety of meals while also improving self-feeding and regulation.
Children may benefit from occupational therapy and speech therapy in addition to eating treatment to overcome problems. This can help with important difficulties like nutrition or sensory impairments.
We work with a specialist team of experienced and knowledgeable pediatric speech and language therapists at Hope AMC. Our therapist can assist your child in overcoming his or her feeding and swallowing challenges. They will make certain that everything is done safely so that your child can gain the most from pediatric feeding treatment. Our therapists prepare an appropriate feeding therapy plan for children after examining the child's condition as well as other criteria such as age, cognitive and physical ability, and unique concerns.
Schedule an appointment with one of our experienced speech and language therapists to discuss your kid's current condition.
About Hope AMC:
Hope AMC provides complete medical care and facilities for children and parents. A unique, one-stop destination for family healthcare, Hope AMC brings all the specialist doctors under one roof making it easier for patients to access premium medical services and caters to all the healthcare needs and rehabilitation facilities for children.
For more information,visit: https://www.hope-amc.com/rehabilitation/feeding-therapy/