Low hemoglobin count is also known as anemia, if the level goes than normal levels for both men and women. Anemia is nothing but the condition where number of red blood cells gets reduced or there is reduction in the hemoglobin count in the blood. This leads to reduction in the level of oxygen in blood since there is reduction in the number of molecules of hemoglobin.
Depending on the root cause, anemia is normally divided into different categories. People who are diagnosed with anemia should eat iron rich foods to prevent anemia along with using herbal supplements such as Feroplex capsules.
Causes of anemia
This is a complicated condition which might appear because of some physical and medical reasons or even because of some diseases in the human body. This condition can be categorized on the basis of underlying causes. Some of them are as follows
1. Overflow of fluid in the body which causes hemoglobin concentration in the blood
2. It might appear because of destruction of RBCs
3. Excessive blood loss in the body because of accident or because something else.
4. It can happen because of folic acid deficiency
5. It can happen because of lack of iron in the blood
6. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause this
7. Endocrine disorders can also cause anemia
8. Genetic anemia
One should try to eat iron rich foods to prevent anemia. Herbal remedies like Feroplex capsules can also be of great help in this matter.
Signs of anemia
Before searching for safe methods to enhance the level of hemoglobin, it is better to know and recognize the symptoms of this situation:
1. Angina
2. Shortness of breath
3. Fast breathing
4. Palpitation
5. Pale nail and body color
6. Weakness
7. Insufficient concentration
8. Getting tired after physical work
With all these signs, if anemia is diagnosed, it is better to eat iron rich foods to prevent anemia and start using Feroplex herbal supplements regularly.
In order to enhance the level of hemoglobin regardless of the type, the herbal remedy known as Feroplex capsules can be used. This is herbal product containing many ingredients which are herbal to enhance the level of iron in the blood. Best thing about these herbs is that iron generated by this product can be absorbed by the body easily in such way that there will be instant relief from the problem of anemia.
Herbal ingredients used in the formation of these herbal supplements are Lauh Bhasma, Mandur Bhasma, Mishri, Kasis Bhasma etc. This herbal supplement should be used for three to four months on regular basis along with eating iron rich foods to prevent anemia.