We invite you to participate in the XIth international scientific conference “Theory and practice of management: the response to challenges of digital economy” for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students and young scientists.
A digest of articles will be published based on the results of the conference.
Conference languages: Russian, English, Chinese.
Invited participants: undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students and young scientists.
Articles are accepted until October 30, 2020, the percentage of uniqueness - 70%.
Those who wish to participate in the Conference should send an application to the organizing Committee by October 30, 2020
Please send your articles to
[email protected]
for the design of scientific materials
Font: Times New Roman.
Font size: 14pt.
Line spacing: single.
Paragraph indention: 1pt.
Page settings: left margin - 2.7 cm, top margin - 2.7 cm, right margin - 2.7 cm, bottom margin - 2.3 cm.
The article is up to 3 pages long.
Obligatory parts:
Abstract in English.
Keywords in English. References.
The subject of the e-mail should indicate the name and initials of the author, section number. An anti-plagiarism certificate (?70%) is attached to the article.
If the article does not meet the requirements, the Organizing Committee has the right not to accept the articles for publication.
English Section Coordinator - Dmitrii V. Enygin (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Vice-Dean for International Relations, School of Management - Venera O. Midova (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Company: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
[email protected]
Contact Person: Dmitrii Enygin, Venera Midova, Victoria Burago
Adress: Stremyanny lane, 36 Moscow 117997 Russia
Phone: + 7 964-157-58-78