10th May 2012 - Most of the people do not know how they can protect and increase the length of natural hair. Here, we are going to share a few tips that can actually work for you.
The growth of your natural hair is closely connected with your health and lifestyle. Smoking, excessive drinking, stress, no exercise, and lack of nutritious food are some reasons that might affect your natural hair negatively. Similarly, adequate sleep is also very important for healthy natural hair.
Avoid Alcoholic Hair Products
It is also quite essential to avoid different alcoholic products like gels, hair sprays, hair creams etc. Similarly, the hair products should not be used directly on scalp.
Before going to swim, you should wet your natural hair to avoid their direct interaction with chlorinated water. Similarly, you should also try to use a cap while swimming as chlorinated water may affect your natural hair negatively.
Avoid Heating
Too much heat can also affect your natural hair negatively. Avoid too much pressing while using comb as it produces heat. Similarly, proper care should take while dying try to use cool setting. Likewise, try to keep your natural hair away from sharp sunlight. However, normal sunlight is useful for hair growth.
Shampoos & Conditioners
You should try to use shampoos and hair conditioners in accordance with your hair and skin type. Use warm water as hot water may dry the scalp. Try to wash your hair before applying shampoo and massage with soft hands. Shampoos and conditioners should be used 2 to 3 times in a week.
Miscellaneous Tips
Avoid using comb on dry hair. Hair products should be of high quality and manufactured by reputed companies. Try to keep the ends of your natural hair trimmed to enhance their growth. Clean water should be used for hair. This was a brief account of various tips about natural hair, for further information go online, and use any search engine.
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