Studies also affirm the benefits of co-parenting saying that children of divorced parents are more likely to grow up well-grounded when they have both their parents in their lives.
For effective and harmonious co-parenting, here are a few tips that can help:
1. Take family law in New Westminster into consideration.
It’s good to have co-parenting agreement to ensure that boundaries are set and that both parents know their responsibilities. But to know what you should put in the agreement, you should also understand family law in New Westminster.
You can go to an expert in family law in New Westminster. A lawyer from Kinman & Associates can better assist you in providing the help that you will need when it comes to creating a reasonable co-parenting agreement that the family can stick to for a long time.
2. Be willing to communicate and cooperate.
For co-parenting to work, both parties should know how to communicate and cooperate. If one or both parties are not willing to work with each other in the first place, it can be much harder to impose the co-parenting agreement and this can lead to more problems later on.
So before you start with the agreement, make sure you settle differences first and agree to meet each other halfway.
3. Establish the best lines of communication.
Communication is important. A lack of communication can lead to problems later on. This is why you should establish the right line of communication. When and how should you communicate? These are the things that you need to agree on.
4. Know which parent is responsible for what.
Which parent should be responsible for specific tasks? Should both parents decide on the education and extracurricular activities of the children? What about medical decisions? These are some of the things that should be laid out in the agreement.
5. Create a more agreeable parenting schedule.
Dividing time with the other parent is important. You can take turns in having important holidays. For instance, one parent can have Thanksgiving or Christmas for a specific year and the other parent can get it next year.
These are some important points to consider to make sure that your co-parenting agreement will be successful.