March 15, 2014 The documentary video of The Black Guides of Mammoth Cave will reveal some interesting and little-known facts and stories about ancient cavers and their legacy to the modern times. The documentary is being produced by Edward Frank, filmmaker Phoebe Frear and best-selling author and screen writer Steven Barnes. Edward is a geologist, caver, photographer, and filmmaker , and he stresses upon the historical, pedagogic and the humanitarian values of the documentary. According to him, it could be a great source for the mankind to learn about the interesting stories of triumphs and tragedies related to the cave exploration. This is the reason why he is running the Indiegogo Fundraising project and inviting people to donate generously to complete the production of this important video.
The project is open for fundraising for the next 23 days with a goal of raising $18000. Till then, it has accumulated over $1000 and Edward is very confident of reaching the goal within the defined campaign period, which is very important for the completion of the project. One can contribute even one dollar and which could be important for Edward and his team to complete the production of the video. The producers value even the single dollar donation and the donor will receive a ‘Thank You’ email from one of the producers for his/her contributions.
However, a donor who contributes $3 will receive a Souvenir Postcard and for a donation of $10, one will be eligible for a Mammoth Cave digital library. People can donate in different denominations and for each donation one would receive a token of appreciation. The producers have devised the donations and the acknowledgements to rope in contributors in the project development in a more organized way, and contributors will remain updated about the project development in a timely manner.
The producers have also enumerated the steps and the outlines according to which the accumulated fund will be used to complete the project. Contributors and others can learn about the cost break-ups and can remain assured of the best use of the fund to help achieve the best piece of documentary video to create a broader level of awareness on the topic. One can learn more about the Mammoth Cave fundraising project by visiting the website
About The Black Guides of Mammoth Cave Documentary:
The Black Guides of Mammoth Cave is being produced by caver and geologist Edward Frank, filmmaker Phoebe Frear and best-selling author and screen writer Steven Barnes. The documentary will reveal the stories about ancient cavers and their legacy, and several other interesting facts that the humans should know about.
For Media Enquiry:
Contact Person: Edward Frank