London Image Festival 7th -9th October
Open daily 11am-7pm
Hoxton Arches
402 Cremer St, E2 8HD
Tickets £6.00
This year’s finalists and winner of the LIF Award for Excellence in Photography, has been announced. The LIF photography competition has become a showcase of some of the best photography from hundreds of entries from around the globe. Both professionals and non professionals compete for the LIF Awards.
The finalists in this year’s LIF were-
Yuqing Lai (China) “Thin Air”
Viet Van Tran (Vietnam) “Praying ceremony in the early morning”
Gary Horsfall (USA) “What Do I See”
Joseph Glover (UK) “Give This Meaning”
Kathy Shorr (USA) “ SHOT … 101 Survivors of Gun Violence in America.”
Jennifer Downing (USA) “Benches”
George Digalakis (Greece)” Trees With Birds”
Riccardo Nuziale (Italy) “Talking”
Simone Moon CmoonView (Switzerland) ‘Cave”
Yuqing Lai took the top award with her surreal photo of fish heads titled ‘Thin Air.’
The LIF doors opened to a crowd of thousands over the weekend viewing photographs from around the world. LIF Director Georgina Willis said “It was an amazing turnout. Great to see the so many people enjoying the photographs on display.”
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