Decentralized Digital Assets Exchange
The blockchain-based communication platform to transfer
Emails, Messages, Calls
Files, Attachments, Data
Cryptocurrencies, Stablecoins, CBDCs
What we do?
LedgerFi envisions building the world’s first Decentralized Digital Assets Exchange (#ddax) while spearheading the Web 3.0 communication protocols enabling users to experience true digital trans-formation through a unified ecosystem of LedgerFi.
LedgerFi provides a web 3.0 communication network built on blockchain technology for secure communication through email, chat & payment applications.
The Zero-knowledge proof hybrid blockchain scalability model operating on the dedicated modular subnets with a shared security layer of XDPoS 2.0 consensus algorithm brings exceptional scalabili-ty, military-grade security, decentralization & a lightning-fast speed of 100000 TPS to the LedgerFi platform.
Introducing LedgerFi 2.0
LedgerFi 2.0 will be a Metaverse-enabled ecosystem through which users can experience hyper-personalized interconnectivity with their peers.
A multi-chain platform of LedgerFi 2.0 will unify the respective blockchain networks through cus-tom usernames, application themes & community-oriented collaboration tools.
LedgerFi 2.0 will be interoperable through cross-chain bridges and also create a gateway for trans-ferring digital assets to legacy platforms (Web 3.0 to Web 2.0)
LedgerFi Ecosystem will operate on a multi-chain platform comprising L1, L2, Non-EVM & Cosmos chains through a Zero-knowledge Proof Hybrid Blockchain model for enabling military-grade security.
The blockchain-based communication ecosystem of LedgerFi will have asymmetric crypto-graphic encryption while leveraging decentralized storage providers for data sovereignty and demo-cratic data governance
To adhere to the Web 3.0 standards, the LedgerFi will operate on the Shared Security Layer of public blockchain networks with relevant consensus mechanisms having a global distribution of nodes forming a censorship-resistant decentralized communication network
LedgerFi ecosystem operates on modular dedicated subnets with the implementation of Rol-lups for exceptional performance & scalability. LedgerFi will achieve 100000 TPS through this modular blockchain architecture integrated with rollups solutions.
To bring interconnectivity among Web 3.0 users without compromising user privacy, ano-nymity & personalization; LedgerFi will have custom usernames, application themes & collaboration tools specific to blockchain-based communication networks
The Web 3.0 communication platform of LedgerFi will be interoperable through human-readable wallet IDs, the cross-chain bridge for communicating with different communities, and most importantly a Web 3.0 to Web 2.0 bridge for transferring assets to legacy providers.
Existing legacy solutions fail to provide adequate security, data privacy & protection from cyber-attacks while operating on cumbersome protocols, centralized governance & manipulation of user data resulting in a breach of the digital rights of the users.
As opposed to this, the blockchain-based communication ecosystem of LedgerFi caters to individu-als & businesses to bring true data sovereignty, censorship resistance, and democratic governance through the Web 3.0 communication standards. Users can email, message, call, pay and even send NFTs through a virtual friend zone without compromising their digital rights.
Metaverse Interconnected NFT Transfer
Hyper-personalized social connectivity for transferring, exchanging & showcasing NFTs and other digital assets through an interactive & interconnected platform.