Do you want to experiment with your eyes to change color? One of the best methods to improve your appearance is colored contact lenses.
However, if color contact lenses are misused, they might cause eye problems. For this reason, you must take extra measures and wear However, if color contact lenses are misused, they might cause eye problems. For this reason, you must take extra measures and wear color contact lenses with prescription from Lenskart.
How do Color Contacts work?
By achieving an appearance that is either subtle, bold, or somewhere in between, color contact lenses allow you to alter the color of your eyes.
The color lens is a cutting-edge technological innovation that gives your eyes a sparkling impression and can help correct vision.
Below is a list of several shades of color:
• Visibility Tint - The visibility tint barely alters the color of the eye while having a small amount of green or blue in it.
• Enhancement Tint - These tints have a higher translucency than a visibility tint and are darker. For those with light-colored eyes, it enhances the natural eye color perfectly.
• Opaque Tint - These tints are perfect for changing the color of the eye from a darker to a lighter shade because they are not translucent and have solid colors. Grey, brown, blue, green, violet hazel and amethyst are among the colors that are offered in opaque shades.
• Blending tints – combine opaque and transparent tints, giving the eyes a more natural-looking color.
• Custom Tint - The custom tint lenses are created especially for each wearer. These lenses are the perfect solution for those with eye injuries because they improve their natural appearance.
Color Contact Lenses: Are They Safe?
Contact lenses are perfectly safe to wear if you use them with the correct prescription.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology warns against wearing colored contacts if you need to wear clear prescription lenses. An incorrectly prescribed color contact lens may result in less oxygen reaching the eyes. A thicker and less breathable contact might result from the pigment of the lens is thicker than the pigment in prescription lenses. You can get contact lens prescription online from Lenskart or by visiting the store.
Wrong prescribed lenses can result in:
• Corneal scratches
• Open sores on the eye's surface
• Eye infections
• Decreased vision
• Allergic reactions
• Blindness
Contact lenses with different colors might impair vision. The size of the pupils varies during the day depending on the lighting. If the pupil expands past that point, it can impair vision because there is a probability that the clear portion of colored contact lenses is not accurate.
When colored contacts are purchased with a legitimate prescription and adequately cared for, they are considered safe to wear.
You should always use prescription-colored contacts for your eyes for this reason.
The best methods for caring for lenses
The following advice and suggestions will help you take good care of your colored contact lenses.
● Before putting contact lenses in your eyes or storing them in their lens holder after usage, you should always wash your hands when handling contact lenses.
● When cleaning lenses, only use lens solution; never use running water. Additionally, instead of cleaning them in the morning after removal, do so in the evening. Maintain the lenses in the appropriate holders, which have to be stocked with fresh solutions.
● Don't forget to replace the solution in the lens holder every night. The lens holder should also be replaced every three months.
● After removing the contact, give the lens holder ample time to dry completely before covering it. If you do it this manner, bacteria will be less likely to grow within the box.
● Correctly insert the lenses into the holder. It's wise to avoid switching your eye contact. Therefore, if you choose the appropriate lens, you must place it in the appropriate container.
You should consider a few factors before using colored contact lenses, though.
Wearing lenses longer than recommended - You should never wear color contact lenses with prescription for more than one day unless they are specifically designed for overnight wear. Never wear them for a while longer than the manufacturer advises.
Swapping colored contacts - It may seem unlikely, yet some people do swap colored contacts. Alternatively, you could at least try on each other's clothing. Sharing contact lenses might cause harmful bacteria to spread, and never put someone else's contacts in your own eyes.
Ignoring eye irritation - If a contact lens is causing your eye to itch or is impairing your vision, take it out as soon as possible. Schedule a visit with your optometrist to ensure that there hasn't been any harm. Also, pay attention to their advice before trying to contact them again.
Not clearing the lenses - You should only use lens solution to clean your contact lenses before and after carrying out this action. Put your lenses in a lens case that has been cleaned and sanitized, and handle them with clean hands.
Ready to Enhance your Look – Try Lenskart
No matter whatever color contact lenses you select for your eyes, you should constantly think about maintaining your contacts properly on your own. You should wear contact lenses by the color of your hair and complexion.
The color contact lenses with prescription
The contact lens prescription online is available at Lenskart. You may check the pricing of eye lenses online and order the specific lenses you want.
You must take a few extra steps to take care of these lenses.