Los Angeles: 1st February 2013: Addiction is one of the most crucial problems which are being faced by the teenagers of today. Addiction can be the outcome of many reasons which initiate the habit of drugs and alcohols. It is possible to categorize the reasons into two main factors: Physical as well as Behavioral issues. People are lured to the intake of drugs because of some or the other the pain in their life. It can also become a habit due to lack of affection from the parents. If a person does not get any of these attentions, they will be searching for some other ways which will help them to get rid of those pains. The end result is that they start drinking alcohol or taking drugs on rare occasions. However, on finding that it is giving them happiness, they will be taking it continuously which results in addiction.
What Factors Lead One To Become Addicted: On the behavioral issues drug addiction and alcohol addiction is mainly due to their friends, inquisitiveness and self practicing. A major of the addiction cases are a result of the pressures given by their friends. The friends coax them into these habits by telling them it is a means of giving back their delighted lives of these individuals; however, the Narconon Fresh Start is a means to detoxification treatment in the Sunshine Summit Lodge. It is a famous rehabilitation center which was established in the year 1966 with the sole purpose of treating the people who are suffering from addiction. They have more than forty five years of experience in the detoxification treatment and they have presented the best outcome of nearly 76 percent.
Panoramic Surroundings of the Lodge: It is in the Sunshine Summit Lodge; the finest rehabilitation centers are providing assistance to the patients through their Life Skills Program and have treated many people in the state.
This lodge has a magnificent view of the hills in the Northern San Diego County and when you get admitted, you have a distraction free environment which is especially useful for carrying out the life skills courses with the support of the counselors. Counselors from the Narconon Fresh Start counsel the people individually by evaluating the problems which the individuals are facing during the course of the Cognitive Behavior Method in the Life Skills Program. They will also be giving them proper guidance for overcoming such tribulations.
Facilities Provided By Us: When at the Sunshine Summit Lodge, you can even avail of facilities such as Jacuzzi, swimming pool, jogging path and fitness center in order to stay fit and healthy.
How Our Program Works: Before starting your program, you will be subjected to the withdrawal option. It is in this process that the individuals will be tested out on the fact that whether they are capable of staying away from the drugs or alcohols for a particular period of time. If you are able to sustain yourself without the thought of alcohols and drugs then you will be let into the eight levels of the life skills program, otherwise you will be subjected to the situation of counseling to know the problems which is affecting your thoughts.