With the Dev Blogs updated on Jul. 14, we know that OSRS Team is working on the new Slayer Master, TzHaar. There will be a separate system task for this new Slayer Master, and some proposed rewards are also listed below.
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What are OSRS TzHaar Slayer Master?
As the new proposed Slayer Master, TzHaar are some of the greatest fighters residing in Mor Ul Rek. This new Slayer Master will require level 75 Slayer and level 100 Combat to access. Although they look fearsome, they are mostly peaceful. And TzHaar have four powerful arms and four guards, such as TzHaar-Ket, TzHaar-Xil, TzHaar-Mej and TzHaar-Hur.
Separate task system for OSRS TzHaar
There will be a separate task system for TzHaar, allowing you to have a normal Slayer Task and a Boss Slayer task at the same time. When the two tasks are related to the same NPC, boss tasks will be the priority. And you can get one free skip a day, but the Turael can't be used to skip tasks for TzHaar. When the tasks are active, both Slayer helm and gem will show status of both tasks. There are some exclusive tasks only available for solo players, like Corporeal Beast, The Nightmare and The Great Olm. And you can also complete Gauntlet task.
Rewards proposed for OSRS TzHaar
The rewards for completing TzHaar tasks have been proposed, including:
1. Boss teleport scrolls: Kalphite Queen Scroll, Dagganoth Kings Scroll, God Wars Bosses Scroll.
2. Supply drops: 1 Prayer potion (3 dose), 3 Sharks, 1 Super Combat (2 dose), 1 Ranging potion (2 dose).
3. Divine Reliquary: the very rare item can save 1-2 inventory spaces and grant 20% chance of additional God Wars kill count.
4. Lustrous gem/ring: gem will be tradable but ring will be untradable.
5. Blood & Death Rune Packs
How do you think of this new OSRS TzHaar Slayer Master?
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