I hope when they view it becomes an issue, they'll change stuff such as the Diremaul exploit if not at launch then at least a few weeks down the line. I am all for all, but when that inflates the economy to the point that just men and women who use this exploit can realistically manage shit on the AH, which only ruins WoW Classic.There were lots of different tactics to farm solo or with a friend in DM back in Vanilla. We were trying to figure them. Granted, it might not have been known, it had been done in Vanilla. Messing with pathing, bouncing trash forth and back, kiting and that. We were doing it solo, double mage/hunter, mages. I believe Blizz fixed some of the things we do back in Vanilla also. It has been a long time clearly and my memory is blurred, but the one thing I know is that when we knew how to do a bunch of different farming items many others knew how to do it.
The mechanic you're missing here is caster minions work in Personal Servers versus Vanilla/Classic. On servers, they start auto-attacking, even sometimes choosing auto attacking over casting and will cast 1 iteration of a charm. Individuals coming in from servers hoping to breeze through raids because they had clinic are currently gon na be in for a rude awakening. Additionally, a significant reason why I will be playing. Then it would not be a struggle, if Classic was the same as private servers and I'd get bored.
It's not about knowing everything. It's about understanding mechanics. I'd be willing to bet that MC is eliminated over the first week of players hitting at 60. I am not saying that anything in any way wants changed. It was. I'm saying that good enough in WoW Classic to do a lot of anything it's really going to suck. Specifically and people players by character are elitist. You may be able to find a few people ready to help noobs in endgame, but lets be real. Classic, though not published will be a replica of an old game and many half serious raiding guilds will anticipate that everyone knows whats going on. It sort of thins. In case Blizzard did change things up a little (and I legitimately hope they don't) it would put everyone on a level playing field.
more in :https://www.mmogo.com/Wow-classic/Gold.html