Happy new year, everyone! This few days, we talk about the Sea Slug Quest and how to complete Wanted in the Old School RuneScape. Today we will provide to the low level players and newbie an easier way for Thieving in OSRS.While,need more cheap rs3 gold on Rs3gold.com.
1) As a newbie, you are not much choice, begin your training are Edgeville and Lumbridge. This will be a very distinct and unique experience definitely, and also provide you with a stellar value to start with.
2) After reaching level 5. Stealing from men will still work, but you may not be able to get what you want. That is why you should switch to steal other items. we suggest you should start with cake stalls in Ardougne and Kaldagrim, which is easier for the less guard activity and a great way to gain XP.
3) Cake is a good source of food for the later training. And stealing 256 cakes will grant you reaching level 20 immediately.
Training Thieving in OSRS requires plenty of hard work and wisdom. We hope this guide offer a proper method to those low level players and newbie.
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