TCA Financial says that, following talks in Brussels, beleaguered peripheral Eurozone nation, Greece has reached an agreement with its international creditors to unlock another €10.3bn in loans that will enable it to meet repayments on existing debt due in July.
This latest deal differs from previous agreements in that Eurozone finance ministers also paved the way to an architecture under which Greece would be offered debt relief. The accord on debt relief would was essential if the IMF (International Monetary Fund), one of Greece’s principal lenders alongside the ECB and the European Commission, was to remain on board with the bailout.
In a rare show of unity, the 19 finance ministers hailed Greece's willingness to impose economic reforms as critical to what they called “a breakthrough”.
“The IMF made it clear that offering debt relief to Greece was crucial since they’ve been at loggerheads with the 19 finance ministers for moths over the issue but, once again, the details were missing,” said Colin Phipps, chief economist at Shenzhen, China-based broker dealer, TCA Financial.
Germany, the Netherlands and Finland have been most opposed to the notion of debt relief not least because their domestic electorates have grown weary of helping Greece.
“Along with many others, TCA Financial thinks the finance ministers wanted a quick resolution to this latest negotiation with Greece so as not to fuel further Euroscepticism ahead of Britain’s June 23rd referendum on whether or not to leave the European Union,” explained Phipps.
Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras passed new, unpopular austerity measures and tax levies in order to secure the payout, much to the bitter disappointment of demonstrators who besieged parliament.
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