The most well-known compound in the cannabis plant is THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol), which is responsible for most of the psychoactive effects of cannabis. In short, THC is what gets you stoned. But THC is just one of over 80 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. CBD is the next most abundant chemical in the most commonly-used strains of cannabis. Other cannabinoids include cannabinol, cannibichromene and cannabigerol.
Does CBD or CBD oil get you high?
In short, no.
As one of the non-psychoactive compounds found in cannabis, CBD is unable to get you high; as we’ve pointed out, the psychoactive component that makes people feel the buzz is THC.
The reason for this is a little bit complicated and relates to how CBD interacts with the main receptors in your body’s cannabinoid system. The short version is that while THC directly interacts with the main receptors (called CB1 and CB2), CBD’s effects appear to be indirect, which impacts how they function without directly stimulating them. CBD also seems to increase the levels of the natural endocannabinoids in your body, because it impairs the enzyme which ordinarily breaks them down.
The simple answer is still that CBD is not psychoactive and won’t get you “high,” but getting high is not the goal of using CBD anyway.
So, why (and how) would you vape it?
The Medical Benefits of CBD Liquid
Let’s talk about the potential medical benefits of CBD first, which has become an increasing focus for studies and trials.
Reducing Seizures
The potential medical benefits of CBD gained a lot of attention through the story of Charlotte Figi. Charlotte suffers from a type of epilepsy called Dravet syndrome, and at the worst, her condition meant that she suffered from a staggering 300 seizures per week. Her doctors had tried everything, and her parents were at their wits end. In desperation, her parents decided to try CBD oil as an alternative treatment.
This decision would ultimately change Charlotte’s life. Her seizures dropped dramatically, down to just one per day. This massive, life-changing improvement was documented by CNN medical correspondent (who became something of an accidental advocate for medicinal cannabis) Sanjay Gupta and brought a lot of attention to CBD treatment in the media. There is even a high-CBD strain of cannabis named after her, “Charlotte’s Web.”
As compelling as Charlotte’s story is, we all know that anecdotes aren’t the same as hard scientific evidence. Thankfully, there has been more objective research into CBD’s potential to reduce seizures.
Finally, a 2017 study looked at Dravet syndrome (the type Charlotte Figi suffers from), using a randomized controlled trial design in 120 children and young adults. This is higher-quality evidence than the other studies mentioned above (which weren’t placebo-controlled), but the results were similar: the median number of convulsive seizures reduced from 12.4 to 5.9 over a 14-week treatment period. However, side effects such as vomiting, diarrhoea, fatigue, fever and drowsiness were much more common in the group treated with CBD.
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