Cullowhee Mountain, NC, USA (April 19, 2018) /Honeycomb Hives, Inc./- Incorporating some of the most revolutionary advances in beekeeping equipment since Rev Lorenzo Langstroth patented now familiar removable frame hives in 1852, mountain farmer Doug Lambrecht has come up with a better way to keep honeybees. Using a modular approach with hexagonal hive boxes that fold together to create tight, well insulated hives, Lambrecht’s alternative solution to the typical rectangular hives offer healthy bee environs with quick full hive access for inspections, calmer bees and happier beekeepers.
Beekeeping has become increasingly challenging over the past few decades. According to the USDA, which closely monitors Honey bee colonies, "for operations with less than five colonies in the United States on January 1, 2016 totaled 40.0 thousand down 20 percent from January 1, 2015. While 2017 statistics are not yet published, anecdotal reports indicate many experienced beekeepers lost over fifty percent of their hives, with some areas reporting total losses. The bottom line is that bee colonies that are housed in "typical" stacks of rectangular boxes are perishing or absconding at unsustainable rates.
According to Lambrecht, “Just because humans built rectangular boxes and frames for hundreds of years doesn’t mean those hives maximize bee health”. Some challenges to bees survival may have been unwittingly designed into hives that house them. Condensation, for example, is a widespread problem in Langstroth hives, as are SHB and mites. Another problem is margins outside of the cluster area of typical rectangular comb frames. Cells in corners may contain honey or pollen stores but bees have been known to starve to death literally inches away, because areas not clustered are too cold.
Honeycomb Hives will soon introduce Lambrecht's new system via crowdfunding giant INDIEGOGO to attract like-minded beekeepers worldwide who also enjoy thinking outside the box. Early adopters and those signing up to become "BEETA" Testers will enjoy up to 33% discounts while being among the first to enjoy these uniquely attractive beehives gracing their properties and producing oh-so-sweet results.
About Honeycomb Hives
Honeycomb Hives is focused on reimagining beekeeping to increase survival rates of bee colonies. Founder Doug Lambrecht's vision for the future of beekeeping is to find or innovate ways to make beekeeping more fun and profitable, reasoning that happier beeks will raise even more honey bees.
Media Contact:
Doug Lambrecht, Founder
Honeycomb Hives, Inc.
Phone: 828 293 2115
[email protected]