A long duration of heavy rains resulted in flooding. The ground gets drenched and may affect facilities like a septic tank to experience problems. Low lying areas suffered most of the flooding.
Observe ways to help your wastewater facility not to malfunction on the rainy season. Minimize toilet flushing, reduce water usage when having a shower, lesser the water in your bathtub, dishwashing, clothes washing and others. Schedule your bathing and laundry if possible. Also, you can bring your laundry in a commercial laundry service to lessen your water usage and waste at home. It is not easy for homeowners to manage and minimize water usage and waste, but ideal to avoid costly emergency services. Once the flooding period is over you can have your routine back to normal.
Homeowners should check their roof draining and gutters should be located away from where the septic tank is installed. To avoid trauma in your system, make sure that rainwater must not stay around near your facility. Regular inspection and maintenance will improve and guarantee the long-term performance of your septic system.
Once your septic system is not working during rainy periods, emergency service may provide a temporary solution like pumping out excess water and sludge in your tank. It is recommended that your septic tank must be pumped every three to five years. It depends on the number of members in a house to get rid of the build-up of sludge. As soon the good weather is back, your facilities should function normally like on regular days. If you are still experiencing hard times in flushing or draining water, you must seek a professional septic technician to check on the status of your pipes and tank.
Flood water may contaminate the source of water in your house. For those who are using deep well, if your place is severely affected by flood you must have the water check or tested first by local health laboratories if it is safe to use. Once they confirmed your water is free from contaminants you can use it again.
West Michigan Septic Sewer and Drain Service is the most trusted and reliable contractor of septic systems, sewer system and drainage for residential and commercial establishments. Our team is skilled to do installation, inspection, and repair of your waste facilities anywhere near Muskegon, Grand Haven, Whitehall, Holland, Coopersville, Allendale and Twin Lake. Reach us at 877-739-7411 for any question. Explore our services at https://www.wmssd.com/.