Multiple factors affect your profitability and we specialize in analyzing and improving your current performance.
Important questions to answer are:
What is your current positioning, i.e. do you specialize in a particular product, niche or vertical market? What are your tactical and strategical objectives? Do you have the right product-mix in order to achieve sustainable margins? Are product management and sales closely working together? What does your current reporting system look like and are there more efficient ways to manage effectively? What are key figures to look at and what are benchmarks of successful organizations? What are powerful ways to improve both your top- and bottom-line?
Together with you we implement a direction that positively impacts both your top- and bottom-line and yields quick returns.
Productivity Improvement.
With personnel expense (staff cost) representing the lion share of costs in the logistics industry, it is important to continuously measure and improve productivity. Improvements can be achieved by refined organizational design; by implementing standardized products and service offerings; by centralizing repetitive non-value-adding tasks and eventually offshoring these to service centers located in labour-cost efficient countries and/or deploying RPA (robotics process automation). Particularly RPA can be highly efficient for repetitive, non-value-adding tasks as software robots execute their tasks 24/7 on 365 days per year. Several accounting and operations tasks are perfectly suitable for robots.
System-usage, bandwidth, organizational design and product- as well process- standardization are other significant factors, which positively affect productivity figures.
From implementing a simple organizational change to deploying software robots, we specialize in increasing the productivity of organizations.
Sales Direction & Sales Management.
Why is sales direction & sales management essential for your business? Well, pretty much your entire topline growth depends on it, and it is important to create a focus area, in which you want to and can be successful. Be this a product-, a trade lane-, or a vertical market focus. A focussed approach yields certainly much better results than trying to be the Jack of all Trades. Furthermore, certain products, industry segments or trade lanes have higher profitability per shipment than others.
Deploying your commercial resources in the right way is equally important. Do you have hunters or farmers and are these resources indeed correctly deployed in Field Sales and Key Account Management? Do you focus on a particular vertical market and do you have the right competence for this vertical?
Some of the following key figures will assist in managing sales teams successfully:
• Return on sales investment
• Usage of and data quality in the CRM
• Pipeline strength vs. budgeted topline growth
• Hitrate, conversion and churn
We assist you in defining and implementing a comprehensive sales strategy that not only ensures top-line growth, but also achieves sustainable profit margins.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Performance Management, Business Strategy, Productivity Improvement, Increase Profitability, Supply Chain Consultant
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