What is Frankenstein Envy?
It's an age-old mistake that has been amplified by social media.
It's not uncommon for a teenage girl to think or even say something like, “My hair isn't curly like Samantha's. I don't have perfect skin like Maria. I don't have a beautiful body like LaKeisha. I don't have expensive jewelry and a new car like Kim. I don't have anything!”
McCarthy says, “After all, the teenage years are a time when we find our place in society. It's natural to compare ourselves to others. The problem becomes when we compare ourselves to only the best qualities of others and then try to assemble those qualities into one monstrous ideal that no one individual could possibly live up to. Like Dr. Frankenstein, we assemble the best parts of others, and we quite naturally don't measure up.
“This misconception has been amplified by social media, where our 'friends' post only the best snippets of their lives, leaving out the pain and strife. Comparing my real life with someone else's highlight reel not only isn't fair, it isn't realistic. Comparing myself to the Photoshopped images of some of the most beautiful people on the planet is also a losing proposition. The images aren't real, and my expectations aren't real.”
Mr. McCarthy is available to expand on the topic, but especially to identify what parents and educators can do about it. You can learn more about him and this subject at https://4d-2d.com/press/, including some exciting video footage to punctuate the interview.
Contact him at
[email protected] or call 407.520.7950.