Any substance that triggers the immune system to produce antibodies is considered an antigen. Let’s find out what are self-antigens and non-self antigens.
PluriMate was designed to extract leukocytes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from whole blood and bone marrow. Keep reading to learn more about Plurimate.
Dendritic cells are typically isolated in vitro from CD14+ monocytes (MoDCs). Let's look at how pluribead helped with monocyte separation for dendritic cell maturation.
Are you facing problems caused by poor quality sample preparation and also using outdated technology? Read on to learn about PluriSpin which is the new negative cell isolation technology.
Are you searching for centrifugation tubes that offer incredibly fast, simple workflow? Let’s explore the top Pre-filled centrifuge tube, TwinSpin in detail.
Analyzing PBMCs is an important methodological approach used to evaluate the status of the immune system. Learn more about the effective tools to isolate PBMCs in your research.
Need efficient workflow solutions for microglia separation? Here are the products that offer the best possible quality of cells for downstream applications.
Is the cell isolation products you are using reliable and effective? Read on to know about a few effective cell separation technologies which can give you the most accurate results!